Last week we were able to catch up with Matt Beames, writer of new graphic novel Blood & Valour, and Lynn Forest-Hill, author of Bevis of Hampton to compare the characters from both the 14th century and 21st century stories. In the latest addition to our ‘In Conversation’ series we explore the characters of Sir Guy and the Countess, to see how they are similar but also how they are different. Watch our video below to find out more:


But our conversations didn’t end there… We also discussed King Henry V and how his favourite stories of Sir Bevis of Hampton were an inspiration to him, as he grew up to become King and crossed the Channel to take on the French in the Battle of Agincourt. Find out more about why Bevis of Hampton was important to King Henry V in our video below.


With thanks to Matt Beames and Lynn Forest-Hill. For more information and to keep up to date with Blood & Valour, please visit their website.